Why has my Miele dishwasher’s glass cycle time increased from 49 minutes to 1 hour 49 minutes, and how to adjust it?

Many Miele dishwasher owners have reported a sudden increase in the cycle time for their glassware, from the usual 49 minutes to an extended 1 hour and 49 minutes. This unexpected change can be quite puzzling, especially when it occurs in a relatively new appliance. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind this issue and provide some practical solutions to adjust the cycle time back to its original duration.

Possible Reasons for the Increased Cycle Time

There could be several reasons why your Miele dishwasher’s glass cycle time has increased. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Dirty Filters: Over time, the filters in your dishwasher can become clogged with food particles and other debris, which can slow down the water flow and increase the cycle time.

  • Incorrect Settings: Sometimes, the dishwasher’s settings may have been accidentally changed, resulting in a longer cycle time.

  • Water Heater Issues: If your dishwasher’s water heater is not working properly, it may take longer for the water to reach the desired temperature, thus extending the cycle time.

  • Software Glitch: In some cases, a software glitch in the dishwasher’s control panel could be causing the extended cycle time.

How to Adjust the Cycle Time

If your Miele dishwasher’s glass cycle time has increased, here are some steps you can take to adjust it:

  1. Clean the Filters: Remove the filters from your dishwasher and clean them thoroughly. This can help improve the water flow and reduce the cycle time.

  2. Check the Settings: Go through the dishwasher’s settings and make sure they are set correctly. If necessary, refer to the user manual for guidance.

  3. Inspect the Water Heater: If the water in your dishwasher is not getting hot enough, it may be worth having a professional inspect the water heater.

  4. Reset the Dishwasher: If all else fails, try resetting your dishwasher. This can often resolve any software glitches that may be causing the problem.

In conclusion, while it can be frustrating to deal with an unexpected increase in your Miele dishwasher’s glass cycle time, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. By understanding the possible causes and knowing how to adjust the cycle time, you can ensure that your dishwasher continues to operate efficiently.